There’s something inherently comforting about the clink of beer glasses, the ambient hum of a bar, and the promise of a good conversation. But when you’re sharing that pint with none other than Peter Vesterbacka, the man behind the global phenomenon Angry Birds and a tech visionary, you know you’re in for a conversation that’s anything but ordinary. Peter was once named in TIME magazines world’s hundred most influential people list.

Our CEO Daniel Foster recently managed to have a catchup and cold beer with none other than Peter Vesterbacka, complete with his signature red hoodie. For those unfamiliar, Peter Vesterbacka is not just the genius behind Angry Birds. He’s an entrepreneur, a visionary, and a passionate advocate for education and tech innovation. From his endeavours with Rovio Entertainment to his ambitious plans moving forward, Peter’s journey is a testament to thinking big and challenging the status quo.

While in Perth for a few days, Daniel and Peter shared great discussions on a technical level about video game streaming architecture, a deep dive into the world of tech, entrepreneurship, and innovation. Peter emphasising the importance of fostering creativity and problem-solving skills in young minds. “It’s not just about coding,” which resonates with one of Redi Software’s core ethos’s. Peter’s journey is a reminder that with passion and the right mindset, there’s no challenge too big.