Software Evolution

We strongly believe in maximising your return on investment as fast as possible and the best way to do this is to start small, build the core essentials first, then evolve the software over time as and when you need it. Prioritising the most advantageous sections first. We avoid ‘big bang’ launches whenever possible.

Development Stages

Below is a simplified overview of how we tackle managing software. It’s a very agile approach. Requirements, plans, and deliverables are continuously evaluated so we have a mechanism for responding to change quickly.


We only undertake ‘Just enough’ planning to be able to get the job done. We do this jointly with a client at regular scheduled intervals. We do not waste time and money on unnecessary project management.


We aim to ship in small, frequent increments. We ensure we assign the developers with the best skillsets matched to the requirements for each task to maximise the efficiency of quality, domain knowledge and above all, delivery time.

QA Test

As soon as a change is completed, in real-time you can view and test it in our test environments. You always have full visibility of changes and able to review if it meets your acceptance criteria.


At the end of each iteration, we deliver the changes live. We then repeat the above process over and over again. We have a commitment to tight feedback cycles and continuous improvement.

Do you have a software development process question we haven’t answered here? Get in touch with us!

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